Monday, December 29, 2008
The Best Treatment Ever!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Love you! Janice
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dr visit and batch 3 down the hatch!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Half Baked
Love you guys! Janice
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Just like Darth Vader
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
X-Rays are good!
I am practicing my knitting, I think it's not too bad. I am using fuzzy yarn though, so you can't see all the "button holes" in the scarf. Maybe it will be a Christmas gift for a lucky someone! He he he
Have a good night! Love Jan
Monday, December 8, 2008
Falling down and getting up
Overall this treatment was better than the first. I was really tired last night and today and pretty much sleep until I wake up hungry, eat and go back to sleep, with the exception of the fall down interruption to my routine, I think it works well as a way to get over though the yucky stuff.
I'm off to eat or sleep, I forget which one I did last!
Love Janice
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Second time around much easier than the first
I have been eating a ton! Nachos and pancakes still rave at the number crave slot, but I see ooey gooey butter bars on the counter that are sounding really great. And broccoli an all time fav has also been a daily staple. I went to the farmers market and got some organic broccoli and it looks so good. The stems are almost as dark as the top! Wow! That is going to taste sooooo gooooood~!
Ok, I am off to get some much needed rest and maybe watch an 80's movie too.
Have a great rest of your weekend!
Love ya! Janice
Thursday, December 4, 2008
More Ovaltine Please!
My hair is falling out by the grip loads, I say grip loads, because unless you pull it, you would never know.
ok, I'm tired, off to nap or go to bed for the night, who knows.... he he he
Love you all and to all a good night, ha, (such a nerd) Ok, really, thank you for all of the calls and well wishes, the prayer groups, cards, texts, etc! I need all of them and know they are making a difference!
Love Janice
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hair today gone tomorrow!
Also, treatment #2 in tomorrow. I plan on working in the morning and taking it easy after treatment. I plan on going to work on Friday too, but I'll play it by ear. Other than a wedding on Saturday, congrats to Eric and Steph, I plan on sleeping and laying around like a professional bum!
I'll let you know how it goes!
Love Jan
Monday, December 1, 2008
really I feel good
Kisses and wishes! Love Jan
Saturday, November 29, 2008
love jan
Friday, November 28, 2008
mmmmm... I'm full
So far, I have been eating non stop and haven't gained a pound. That is one good thing about chemo! I am always hungry, and can snack all day long. I am starting to see some physical signs of chemo. I have a bruise on my arm I don't remember getting. I usually don;t bruise at all, but one just seemed to pop up out of no where. It's a little sore, but not bad. Also, my skin is starting to react. It is super soft, I've never had really soft skin, but right now it is sooooo soft and smooth. The other day I looked really pale and had some pretty dark circles under my eyes. I hated that! But some makeup took it away so fast, then I looked wide awake and as healthy as ever.
Happy Black Friday! Love jan
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Gobble Gobble Gobble
So, what are you thankful for? I am thankful for so much.....
I know it is so cliche, but so true!
Cell Phones
Lap tops
80's movies all day with sister while we cook
Blankets and Quilts
Fuzzy clogs that Edie gave me :)
lab rats
chemo nurses- It's all about Katrina. She's a great mix of smart, kind, capable, proactive, educated,
Dr D!!!! My surgeon
Blogs he he he
Humor!! I know it's a repeat, but really!
My community
The Y
Pink cheetah key club!- Huh you say? I gave my closest friends and family members a key to my house, what if I am in bed and someone wants to come over, it's a long walk to the door, so I made everyone their own key, of course it is pink cheetah print! I love that the guys in the family have all these big truck keys and very guys keys with nothing decorative on the entire ring, and then.... a pink cheetah key pokes out from behind the other keys... makes me smile!
Kona Bean- my baby girl has been so stressed out about all of this, she never leaves my side, petty her is the best!
Ok, this list will go on forever, right now, I will shower and get ready for people to start coming over, maybe I'll go blond today.... hmmm fun!
Have a great turkey day!
Love Janice
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Noraml Day!!!
Ok, update on my thoughts....
Chemo was much better than I thought. The first few days were touch and go and i think my anxiety about chemo was just as bad as any side effect. Now that I feel almost 100%, I am ready for more. The only negative is the metallic taste in my mouth. YUCK! Water even tastes bad and I love water! I have to use the little crystal light flavor packs you add to bottle water to make it drinkable. When I haven't had anything to eat or drink in a while I feel like I have been sucking on a flag pole flavored lollipop or my tongue ran away with the fire house pole. So gross! I wouldn't say my energy is 100% but it is much better than yesterday.
I went to see my surgeon yesterday. He has been my lead doctor up until the chemo started. What a wonderful person!!!! I am so thankful that I was referred to him! After my port surgery, I thought it was infected, all red and tight, a little puffy and the skin was hot. Of course it was Friday afternoon, so he was really worried about it over the weekend. He told me he would ask the answering service to call him if I called even though he wasn't on call that weekend. So when i saw him yesterday, he said he almost called me a few times over that weekend just to see how I was! I am so impressed with this doctor! He said he didn't call because he didn't want to be a mother hen! I swear I have the best doctor in the world!! Other than that, there was really nothing new at the appointment. He said cuts seemed to be healing well and he will see my in a few months to see how much my cancer has shrunk! I will miss him and his staff!
OK, I am off to get something to eat and rid my mouth of the ever invasive taste of flag pole.
Love and hugs! I will probably post again since I am home, awake, alert, and have soooo much to say!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Day 5 came and went, so did one month!
Another thought, yesterday was my one month anniversary of being diagnosed. Wow, only 1 month. I took a second to look at how much my life has changed. One month ago, I had so many projects going on! Steering committee for SRL, Youth Committee for the gang task force, rape crisis counselor, full time college student, full time employee, ans really so much more, but I can't even remember. Now, my life is not about the things I am doing for other people, but focusing on the care I am providing myself. I am no longer text flirting, ok well as much, and my hair doesn't get stuck when I roll up my window. My dog is on my lap more, my family calls me every day. I have had more I love yous than I ever remember, I can wear sweats all day and still feel productive, my road rage is better, my conversations are slower and more meaningful, my anxiety is lower, my house is cleaner, all the little projects I had lined up around the house are done- thanks dad, jacob, sister, and heidi!- I wake up when I want and don't run to get the phone, I have voicemail :) Anyway, what a difference a month can make. I miss my old life, my projects, clothes, makeup, boys, hair choices, etc.... But I'm not sad about where I am now, not at all! I could have never asked or even dreamt of all of the positives that would have been pushed forward into my life.
Have a great day! I did!
And Yoli, who is at the end of what I am starting- Good luck! I hope you are recovering well!!!
Love Janice
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Day 4 of first chemo
Have a great day and thank you for all of the support and well wishes, they mean so much to me!
Oh, I almost forgot, I did manage to watch the last 3 min of the Cowboys game and they won! Go Cowboys!!!!
Much love! Janice
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's kicking it
Lots of love! Janice
Friday, November 21, 2008
My first chemo
Then they added a little bag and in about 30 more min I was all done, they added a little more saline to clean it and I was done!
I got home and ate and took it easy. I did get a little nauseous around 9:30 and took half of a pill to help with it, I ended up taking the other half 40 min later and it seemed to work great. I just feel like I have really bad heart bun and am a little more tired than normal. My energy is really low, but I am happy and feel so much better than I ever dreamed I would!
Also, BIG THANK YOU to everyone that has called and e-mailed and smiled at my bald head. I am loving all of the support! And to Melissa P for the memory foam bed top! OMG Princess with no pea tonight! And to Tiffany for the great hat and t-shirt! I love them!!
K-I'm going to finish my daddy do list and make a turkey sandwich to wash down some more pills! Goodnight and much love! Janice
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Shaving of the head
The 80's wave! Nice with purple and pink undertones :)
ummmm... not really a hawk, but maybe enough to start a band
Does this hair cut make my ears look big?
This is not a tragedy, this is an experience
I had a great day and had enough time after getting everything done to sit and meditate for about 15 min before my appointment. I will post pictures later of my really cool shaved head.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Chemo in 15 hours!
Have a great night, I will! Love J
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Best grades I have ever gotten!
Final Grd
PHIL-443-OVI24Values Formation A
BUS-499C-OVI24 Baccalaureate Thesis-Part III A-
BUS-440-OVI24 Leadership in Organizations A-
BIB-300B-AVI02 Jesus, Church and Society A
Ok, so I finished a lot of things I needed to get done, some great sheets and some great beanies were purchased are being washed tonight. I need to get a few more things and then I can hibernate comfortably.
Chemo in 2 days, 1 more day of normal life. I wonder what it will be like and while I am prepared for the worst, I am hoping for the best. Hope with me!
Goodnight, sleep tight! love j
Monday, November 17, 2008
I love working
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hi Ho, back to work I go~
Also, i get to learn how to use my phone tomorrow! Yippeee!
More Questions
What type of cancer is it?
Stage 2 Invasive Ductal CA or Infiltrative Ductal CA
Does it run in your family?
Kind of, there are people in my family that have had Cancer, but they were in their 60's or over when they got it. So, Of course my family has Cancer, but there is no way to know if you will get it or when. Kind of funny, I had no reason to think that I would ever be in this situation at this age. Surprise!
Are you scared?
I think I have talked about this a little bit before. I am mostly scared of pain, shaving my head and learning I have hair follicles that can withstand nuclear blasts, and for my family. I know they worry and am so grateful for their care, but I don;t want to be a burden or a strain on their normal lives. It makes me sad to push dates around and put their dreams on hold while they wait for me to get better. So not today I guess is my final answer.
Friday, November 14, 2008
What is the treatment schedule?
I will get 4 doses of chemo, one every other week. I start Nov 20 and end Jan 2.
Then, if things go well, lumpectomy. A surgery that will remove the tumor.
Followed by 6 weeks, 33 sessions 5 days a week, of radiation. Sessions are about 7 min each and I can walk my dog, the nurses have a greed to watch her while I am in getting my rays on. Its the new tanning!
If chemo does not shrink the tumor and eliminate it's two ugly step sisters, I might have more chemo, but it will most likely result in a mastectomy. No radiation is needed for a mastectomy.
Lymph nodes will be checked when I have surgery. Since the chemo will hit them too, if cancer is there, the need to go in and check seems redundant.
Then, hormone replacement for 5 years. Just a regular ol pill popper.
How did you find it?
I found it while participating in topless tooth brushing. I hate toothpaste on my clothes, even pj's. So I wake up, hit the head, (Sailor talk to use the restroom), hop on the scale, and brush my teeth on the way to the shower. (Aren't you all so happy you know exactly how I wake up now?) So while brushing away, I saw what appeared to be a bruise. I think, wow, I should have noticed that in such a sensitive area. I feel it. Well, it's a knot. Man, I really knocked that. hmmm... no incidents come to mind. It feels like a knot in my back from tension or something. I have no idea breast anatomy education at all, so I go on with my day. It doesn't take me long to realize there is no bruise and that what I thought was a bruise was really a shadow from the lump. I do checks every month and was floored that I have something so big in my breast with no notice. Last month nothing, this month clearly some thing large has crawled up in there and hatched or something.
I let it go 3 months. Gasp! It's ok, I am a pretty lumpy gal and have had more than a few scares before. Doc and I agreed to wait this long and if nothing changes with the lump, I go in. This time she didn't say cyst. Then she made me go a week with no under wire! OMG!!! I think that might have been the worst part. I sent and bought a ton of the cutest sports bras in the world and sported a tube boob for what felt like and eternity, it was really only a week.
Then I went for a mammogram and sonogram. It is important to do both. My mammogram only showed density, no tumor, no cancer, very little calcium-and indicator, and not much else. The sonogram however, showed my little rice size tumor. Of course the tech and sup doc both sat there and said, what is that, I don;t know, have you ever seen that before, no- but get a picture, save it and measure it. OMG!!! Hello! I am in the room!!!! Then the doc pats my leg and says son;t lose any sleep over it. I say no worries, I won't. I had already decided whatever it was has been there for a while and I was ok last week. If it's cancer, my worries and fears will feed it. I had to stay positive and knew it would make a difference if all my fears were put in someones hands. Then the doctor said Oh you will, you will. The blood in my body went somewhere else and his comment chilled my bones. What a jerk! It rocked me, but a little retail therapy and a lot of verses later, I was back.
Then I met my favorite doctor of all time! My surgeon. He talked to me about the findings and made no promises that it was or wasn't cancer. He did give me my stats and said he would rush the pathology report and leave the littlest scar possible to do the biopsy. He was kind and honest with me about everything. So, he did the biopsy. He numbed me up, turned me on my side to avoid puncturing my lung, thanks doc, and pierced my left girl 2 times. On the third I felt pain. Pain like no other! My whole chest was on fire but not hot. I started crying. First the pain, then the fact that it didn't numb up, I knew those cells were different. He offered to stop, I said no way, get a good sample. I will never let someone do this again, so get it all now. So he finishes the 5 passes, 4 was no pain, but 5 hit it again. My mind is sure of it, I came home and started this blog, read my Bible and started cleaning for company. I didn't want to buy books or anything because I didn't want to jinx myself. On the 23rd Dr D looked me in the eye and said it's cancer. I said ok, what do we do first. He said You kind of knew didn't you. I say, It didn't numb up. He said that kind of tipped him off as well.
So I've eaten ice cream every night since.
You might not loose your hair, why did you dye it, cut it, and buy a wig?
I will lose my hair. I know many of you have a friend or family member that didn't. Different cancers need different drugs and those different drugs have different side effects. The drugs that I will be taking will make my hair fall out. I plan on staying in my favorite place, in complete control, and will shave my head. Maybe even before chemo, for the ultimate control. Now that I have my wig, I might just shave it today.
Is there anything I can do?
Yes! Pray for me, with me or without me by your side. Support my friends and family. They are doing so much and need all the help they can get. I am not a good patient. I try, but I just can't stay still. I think I did a little too much walking this morning, so I now I am writing the worlds longest blog. hmmm.... Ok, also, I can't donate blood, so someone needs to do that, fill my spot kind of, and maybe volunteer at my fav places; YMCA, Family Services, and SRL- Chamber of Commerce.
Are you excited to take time off?
No. Sorry, I know many of you would love for me to sit home and eat bon bons while I get chemo, however, work is very important to me. I don't want any child to think that you have to stop living when you get sick, it keep my mind alive and busy, and most importantly how depressing would it be to stay home all winter! So, the Y, being the great place that it is, has agreed to make my office a germ free zone. It pretty much is right now, I work in the house next door to the main building and very few children are ever there. Just about 6 staff work over there and as long as my blood counts are good I will be there. I will be taking days off here and there right after chemo and on days I don't feel good. But I have chemo every other week and hope to only miss a few days.
I want to answer these too, but will have to come back, body says relax and take a nap, so that's what I am going to do. :)
What kind of cancer is it?
Does it run in your family?
Are you scared?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Surgery & New Phone
Ok, new phone, the Blackberry Bold! Yeah me! I will be able to use my e-mail, post blogs, and do my other Internet stuff. But even better, I will be able to watch movies and play games, with surround sound, while I am at all of my appointments. I just wish I knew how to use it! Ha~ I have a consultation with a techy on Monday. It's funny, Heidi and I have the geekiest phones in the world, and I don't think either one of us has voicemail yet. :)
Kona's Pink Tail
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Chemo in 9 days
Shout Outs!
Taurie for putting together my encouragement book! I read it a lot, and showed it to the nieces when they were worried about my feelings.
Julie for the best short hair cut and experience a a girl could ask for! Guys, who usually prefer long hair, are saying I should wear my hair short all the time~ and they said that without knowing I was sick! Even better!
Melissa for the introduction to Julie and the Champagne chop shop!
Katy for the purple hair~ People love it!
Deene for topless picture in pixley
Surgeon for working a million hours a week!
My YMCA family for helping with everything and making me feel normal and laughing with me!
Sister for crying and laughing with me, at the same time!
LeeAnn H. for the knitting stuff the the upcoming lessons.
Debbie & Catherine for the blanket!
Leeann E. for the Cancer Vixen kit, my new fav lip stuff!
Boys that still like me with almost no hair and possible a chunky boob, I love boys!!!!
Caiti & Kenzie for being bored with it and bringing perspective to my life.
Fernando & Julie for driving 6 hours with their dog, getting a hotel room, etc, etc, to clean out my junk room and primering my bathroom.
Heidi for being so strong with an upside down house and more conversation about medical crap than boys, texting, clothes, and makeup combined.
Suzana for caring soooooo much!
Megan for the caps and scarp books to be! :)
Tina everyone should have a wig sponsor!
Bobbie & Jamie for being so loving and kind! Dinner was so fun!
Everyone else! Sorry if I missed anyone, I love all of the people that been so supportive! There I go again, the drunk guy at the party that loves all you guys!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Just some updates
Second, I hope to start chemo on Friday, but there might be a set back with the a-ok from insurance co. I had hoped to start this week so that Thanksgiving and Christmas would both fall on the last day before the next treatment, when I am at my peak! If not, I will start the following week. I will be almost half way between treatments for both Holidays. That's ok, not ideal but workable. The positive is that I will use less vacation days, I think, or some how, end up better with that. I can't remember right now.
Coming Soon.....
Shout outs!~ Thank yous to the people that touched my heart the most! and
Q&A~ I have been asked a lot of questions, and some are repeating, so you might be wondering some of those things yourself. I will post some of them in the next few days!
And finally, a little game of Name That Tumor! Not really sure if I should get so attached as to name them, they won't be around much longer, little brats! But they do have personality, so why not? Send in name suggestions for them. There is one large one, Big Bertha was my first though but G-pa already named the radiation machine that, so that's out. And there are two little ones, twin names maybe- I'm thinking something that starts with the same letter, rhymes or a theme.
Have a good afternoon! I'm taking a nap, waiting rooms make me tired!
Love Janice
Sunday, November 9, 2008
what a day
Hair cut went great! We drank mimosas, cried, took pictures, and had a great time! I love my hair right now and think I will get a wig a lot like it. I am so thankful for Melissa for setting it up! Julie was the best!
My bathroom is finally painted. I have had it taped off and mostly ready for a really long time and Fernando primed it tonight and then when I got home from dinner, I painted. It felt good to finish something. Tomorrow I need to take the nieces to build a bear and finish the rest of the back room.
Goodnight! Love J
Friday, November 7, 2008
Test results are in!
Preliminary News
peace, love, my hair's not full of grease! J
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thesis- check, Cancer testing- check
First of all I finished all of my cancer testing. I had my chest MRI today. Wow, that is something. I have no words that can explain it. But I always pretend that I am in a tanning bed and fall asleep during those tests.
The second thing I did today is I submitted my thesis! Yep, I finished it! 92 pages on YMCA Volunteerism, funny, I've never gone to the training. :) I had called my professor last week when I thought it would be impossible to finish and she told me I had done enough to get by, but I just couldn't not finish it. I'm sure it's not an A, and that makes me sad because I think I would have gotten a 4.0 this semester. I have A's in all my other classes and am so close I can taste it, but the stress this time wasn't worth it.
So, I meet with the radiation oncologist tomorrow and get an overview on that. I am learning so much! On Monday I will meet with my main doctor at this time and he will give me all of my test results. I think I will be very anxious on Sunday and Monday, so just heads up for anyone hanging around me! You've been warned. :)
I am starting to feel normal again, I forgot a few times that I have cancer. I loved it, then I remembered. I think things are starting to calm down though and I feel better that people know and I don't feel like I am keeping the worlds biggest secret anymore. I have gained so much comfort in the acceptance and support from all of my family and friends. I love it and am so grateful for all of it!
So I am going to go to bed and get some good rest!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Funny Breast Cancer Shirts
This site made me laugh! So of course I needed to share!
I had a great day! I even worked on my thesis a little, but it is no where near done. I really hope it goes well. I'll post more later, but right now I want to say a big THANK YOU!!!! to everyone! So many people have helped so much this week.
Nuclear Radioactive Urine? oh and Target!
I am officially registered at Target. Some blankets, pj's and a few hats, and maybe some other stuff. I forget now, just some things that I need and want and people seem to really want to do things for me and give me things. And that took me a while to accept. Not usually a give me stuff type person, in fact my wish list is only 1 page. :) Anyway, happy shopping!
Also, I met with my insurance rep today to get a better understanding of what they cover and how to do this stuff. I do not get insurance, and think they make up languages when they want, but the guy was great and made it clear. My dad came too. He gets it and has been really concerned about the $$$$$ part. I kind of thought I would have such a large bill that I would never be able to get out from under it, however, it seems pretty easy and I can have the amount taken from my check, pre taxes, and that will pay my bills directly. I am pretty happy about that. ANd he assigned me a high risk nurse. I love that! His mom is a survivor as well so he gave me her name and number and I am excited to call her.
I sitll need to post my pathology report. Sorry, I just haven't had time yet, but I want to get it on here befoer it becomes old news. Tomorrow I will meet with radiation and understnd that and then get to learn about the social wokrer and the cancer library. Kind of happy to get that info.
K, Goodnight! Love Janice
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Oncologist appointment
I really like the oncologist, he really explained everything to me detail and I felt very comfortable with him. He told me why he has made every decision and I really feel like I have a little control over what we do.
Ok, I'm off to bed, I am very tired and hope things are not this busy when I start chemo.
Spreading the sad news
After the delivery is the response. Some people know and haven't said anything, and that's ok. Some people might not know what to say and so they just don't say anything. It is natural to pull away and I want all of my friends and family to know that I understand. It is uncomfortable and difficult. On the other side of the same coin is the awkward responses. I think I have heard it all, and then the next person comes along and says something I never dreamed of. I've heard 'Oh what a shame, you have such nice tits' to 'Well I hope you feel better', 'wow you must be scared shitless', ' how are you standing' and even 'Congratulations'. I know people are grasping for words, and are trying to say just the perfect thing. I am not paying attention to the details as much as I am the overall feelings and message the person is trying to deliver. I am prepared for the unpredictable responses if that makes any sense. And if you don't know what to say and want me to know your thinking of me, send a text, e-mail, comment on here, a card to the Y etc,. I might not get back to them all this week, but I am trying and all of them make me smile and are really helping me get through this! My favorite things to hear are people success stories, a nice I'm thinking of you, Be positive, I love you, Kick it's ass!, Hi, and my all time favorite Want to go get ice cream?
Have a great afternoon! I'm going to meet the oncologist later :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It's Picture Day
Hugs! J
I’m not sure what I am right now, upside down for sure! I was really scared before I knew what it was, but now that I have it, I’m ok, there are a lot of neat things, California law won't let this disease leave me disfigured. I don't want kids, so my eggs can get chemo and I’m ok with that, I am kind of sad about my teeth possibly getting messed up, but I’m sure that could get fixed. I need my body for 60 more years so I don't want it to get too messed up from treatment, but I guess I am more upset about not being normal or able to live my life, instead I have to spend time and money on just being able to live, that sucks! Worst case is death. I’m not afraid to die, I am sad for my family and friends, but really, I don't think I have ever been afraid of death. Don’t get me wrong, I do not want to die; I want to live a long happy life full of family and friends, doing things that make me happy, leaving a legacy and kicking ass along the way.
I have insurance, but will have to pay a shit load for this. I would have liked to spent this next year finishing schools and looking for a new job making more money. I guess the scariest thing is insurance and ever being able to get it again. I can never let my insurance lapse or get coverage outside of a group plan. I really hate that and since I am only 34 that really really really sounds like a pain in the ass!
Maybe I am just too ignorant to be scared right now. I kind of think I am still accepting it. I have cried a lot lately, but my original fears have been pretty much answered.
What I do know is that this will bring positive results in the end somehow! I’m not sure, maybe I need to learn few lessons, build some character, build empathy, learn how to ask for help (I am afraid of being dependent on others!)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Talked to the Doctor Today! :)
I talked with my doctor this morning, he has some preliminary reports from my CT's. The chest and lung area looks good and so does the brain! Yeah me! He is a little concerned about the hip, but we knew that would be an area. -My hip was in a lot of pain last year and they determined it was a bone cyst. The doctors thought it was best to leave it alone since it would be very invasive to get to the area and to do anything about it. After about 3 months of physical therapy, I was ok, still get some pain, but not like before. Now they are a little more concerned about it and are more interested in finding out exactly what it is doing.
So I still have a bone scan and some MRIs next week that will give me more information.
peace J
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween Eve
On another note, I am getting professional pretreatment pics this weekend. I am excited!
Also, my hair is purple in the back, kind of pink on one side! It will be really fun for Halloween! I'm not that into thin year, everything seems different, but I do have a really cool costume. I'll post some pictures soon.
And, my final note for tonight is that I just finished my last regular cohort class! I still have to finish my Thesis. I don't know when I will have time, but it's due Thursday with a presentation. I hope I can keep it together for just another week. I am not sure if I will be taking a leave from school or if I will take one online class at a time to stay enrolled. I need to ask how long I have to finish my last few classes. I did call my insurance today to set up a meeting to go over my out of pocket costs and try to get a better understanding of how this stuff works. My dad is so going to that one!
Love and hugs! J
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
BRAC 1 and 2 Tests
1. This week will kick off crazy hair month! Be on the lookout for some crazy fun hair colors! I am going to sport whatever I can and still keep my job!
2. I will not be freezing any eggs. Mother Nature and God have been telling me for many years I probably should not have children, now they are yelling it in a blowhorn an inch away from my face. There is always adoption, and we all know my kid would just like Makenzie, my mini me and act like Caitlin my hero! So, no need to make a frozen omlet.
3. I forgot what the 3rd one was. I am sure I will remember later, sorry, that has been happening a lot lately. My mind is like oatmeal!
Ok, so I am off to finish my last 2 papers for school and then maybe a run.
much much love
Monday, October 27, 2008
Dr Visit
Also, I want to say thank you t o all of you! I really love all of the support, warm wishes, love, and prayers everybody is sending my way. I know there are a lot of times where there are no words, and that's ok.
Also, also, I have so many e-mails and calls to return, please know I want to get to all of you, but I am a little behind right now, I am sure things will slow down sometime so, I hope anyway.
Also also also, some people want to know what about school? Well, I'm not really sure. My thesis is due Nov 6th and our last class is Nov 13th. SO, it looks good, I just need to find time to finish my thesis and write one more paper! So close I can taste it. I have a few more classes to do and can do those online and will just take a little longer than I need to.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
"I'm sorry, I don't have good news for you today."
This site will be updated often with test results, emotions, progress, etc. Please read it and share it with anyone you want. It will be an outlet for me and a place for others to get updates, learn, and be supportive.
Love ya!
Monday, October 20, 2008
love ya