Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chemo in 9 days

The date has changed a million times and now I think we have the final date! Nov 20th I will get my first dose. I am happy with my schedule and with all of the new info I feel like it is the best fit for my life. And it gives me a few more days to get things wrapped up. Kona went to the vet today, I go to the dentist this week, port surgery tomorrow, wig shopping ASAP!, and Kenzie's 9th birthday will be great! Last week I felt like I was on a submarine with the alarm blaring and a woman's voice over the loud speaking counting down. Now I feel like there is time to finish what I want and to most importantly spend time with my friends and family with a little more relaxation instead of my anxious rushed energy. The spare room is set up and ready for guests, my room is nearly there and the rest of house and finally normal. The paint is still drying in my bathroom and then I will hang some shelves to get more room out of my space.

Shout Outs!
Taurie for putting together my encouragement book! I read it a lot, and showed it to the nieces when they were worried about my feelings.
Julie for the best short hair cut and experience a a girl could ask for! Guys, who usually prefer long hair, are saying I should wear my hair short all the time~ and they said that without knowing I was sick! Even better!
Melissa for the introduction to Julie and the Champagne chop shop!
Katy for the purple hair~ People love it!
Deene for topless picture in pixley
Surgeon for working a million hours a week!
My YMCA family for helping with everything and making me feel normal and laughing with me!
Sister for crying and laughing with me, at the same time!
LeeAnn H. for the knitting stuff the the upcoming lessons.
Debbie & Catherine for the blanket!
Leeann E. for the Cancer Vixen kit, my new fav lip stuff!
Boys that still like me with almost no hair and possible a chunky boob, I love boys!!!!
Caiti & Kenzie for being bored with it and bringing perspective to my life.
Fernando & Julie for driving 6 hours with their dog, getting a hotel room, etc, etc, to clean out my junk room and primering my bathroom.
Heidi for being so strong with an upside down house and more conversation about medical crap than boys, texting, clothes, and makeup combined.
Suzana for caring soooooo much!
Megan for the caps and scarp books to be! :)
Tina everyone should have a wig sponsor!
Bobbie & Jamie for being so loving and kind! Dinner was so fun!
Everyone else! Sorry if I missed anyone, I love all of the people that been so supportive! There I go again, the drunk guy at the party that loves all you guys!

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