Thursday, December 11, 2014

PET Scan Results and Infection Update

I'm still at my doctor appointment but I thought I would update my blog before I forget. My infection is going away! Yeah!!! My PET Scan was good and bad. The spots on my bones seem stable, my spine, hips, and ribs are the same as 6 months ago. My right lung, however, has increasds cancer activity since the last scan. We are going to increase my chemo a little to see if I can handle it and hope that it will keep the lung tumors from growing too much.
I'm feeling better everyday and that is the best part! I think I slept most of the week but now I can get up and get some Christmas shopping and decorating done!!

Friday, December 5, 2014

It's Just a Little Cold! Right?

I've had a cold since Thanksgiving, but today I woke up the a rash on my chest. It was the oddest thing I've ever seen. The rash covered only where I had received radiation in 2009, it was in a perfect square! So I had a red square of hot skin with a white football or eye shaped cute out in the middle with a nipple tattoo as the bullseye! The skin was so red and hot to the touch. It was sore too. I called my doctor and begged for them to get me in right away. I'm so glad I did! My doctor came in all smiles as usual but as soon as he saw my chest I could tell he was worried and even let out a "shit". He asked if I was allergic to any meds. When I told him penicilin, he said "shit" again. I've never heard him like that! My little cold has overworked my already poorly functioning limph nodes and so I developed an infection. They gave me an antibiotic in an IV right away and a prescription for a week of antibiotics. They took my blood and my white count is good so hopefully this antibiotic plan will work. I hate being sick and feeling so terrible. My boob is now really sore and throbbing. Thank goodness I have so little feeling in my chest after all my surgeries or it would be really painful! Other than this little cold I have been doing pretty well. I'm on 2 chemos. One is and IV that I get once a month, and the other is in pill form that I take for 14 days followed by a 7 day break. The infection has earned me an extra few days off of the pill chemo! It's not a hard chemo, in the world of chemos, neither one is actually, but a few days off of any chemo is pretty exciting to me! I'll post as things progress! Hopefully this will all be cleared up soon!