Thursday, December 29, 2011

Feeling Better

*Knocks on Wood*
I am feeling so much better! I have worn jeans for the past three days, not all day-but a few hours each day! My wonderful fiance took me to Chinese food, I went out into the world o exchange some gifts for Tony (my wonderful fiance), and I even went to my future in laws house for lunch. Today is a trip to the library and hopefully a calm afternoon. That was the longest my body had gone not being able to wear jeans! I bet it was the jean withdraw that got me so weak :) And then not being able to drive on top of it! Ugh, I was miserable! My incision is a little sore to touch and my belly has all kinds of gross bruises, but other than that I am back to my normal self! Whatever normal is anymore! Actually I think my current normal is a napping at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm surrounded by food, reading and hanging out with Tony.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Spoke too soon :(

Yesterday I started to not feel very well. Right before presents I got really weak and instead of laying down I stayed up and opened gifts with my dad and both Tonys. By the time we were done opening I had to lay down and slept for a while. I had a low grade fever off and on. That night we went to Tony's sister's house to have Christmas with his family. I spent most of the time sleeping on the couch in my pj's but I'm glad I went and got to see everyone. On Christmas day we were supposed to have breakfast with my Aunt and Uncle and lunch with another Aunt and Uncle. I decided I would not get out of bed until I felt really good and didn't have a fever. So, I was late to both, but I got to see almost everyone. It turned out to be such a wonderful Christmas! I got a ton of wonderful gifts and got to see so much of my family! My sister and the nieces called on Skype and we opened gifts together! That was probably one of the highlights for me! I am feeling better than I did yesterday, thank goodness. At one point I even called the on call doctor and I'm so glad I didn't have to go in and have him check me out! Hopefully the next few days will continue with this latest trend of feeling better and I will be all better by the end of the week! Just in time for New Year's! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Even with a fever and being so tired I had one of the best Christmas ever!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I am ding well recovering from surgery, eating lots of cookies! This was the least painful surgery I have ever had and I am very happy with how well I am feeling. I can get up and down on my own, walk around, and feel good enough to go see my family on Christmas! My dad and Tony have been taking really good care of me, helping me do everything and cooking for me, I really like it! Hopefully my doc will give me copies of the pics they showed me while I was still at the hospital, I will post them if he does! They were really neat! One had a clump of fat that I think he should have taken out while he was there but other than that everything looked so neat! And of course I can't be too drama free, one nurse was really concerned about me getting my ovaries out at such a young age and was pushing all kinds of pregnancy options for me, she clearly did not read the chart and while I was getting hooked up to IV's was so not the time to discuss those kinds of options. Then she told me I seemed confused, I guess I was confused but not about my procedure, I was confused at why she was insisting about talking about having kids and kept asking if I was getting my tubes tied! Ugh! Anyway, everything else went really really well! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Surgery went well!

I'm home relaxing after surgery. My dad picked up in n out, the perfect post op meal for a cheseburger girl like me! Then the neighbors brought over Christmas cookies! I'm in a medicated bliss for sure! I will update with surgery details and hopefully pics soon but right now it's nap time :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Surgery in the morning!

I will have my ovaries removed in the morning to slow down the cancer. It is hormone based and so my ovaries have been providing food to the cancer. It took almost two months to get ready for this surgery and I am so excited to finally be getting it done! I think I am least anxious for this surgery too. It's going to be super quick and so routine that it kind of reminds me of my very first surgery when they put my chemo port in. I check in at 8:00 am, I am very excited about that too! I love early surgeries, late afternoon ones are torture!
Since I am having surgery just days before Christmas, I have all of that done too. I am all done with everything and excited for Christmas. In High School I had my wisdom teeth out over Christmas break, it really sucked, but I am hoping this will be better, at least I will be able to eat! Nap, pain pills, eat, repeat..... mmm yeah I think this will be much better.....  SO goodnight and I will update in a few days when I have recovered a little.

Friday, December 16, 2011

can't sleep....

How can I sleep? I'm missing them already!
This is where I go to visit them, all of the wonderful varieties...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Surgery Confirmation

My surgery has been confirmed for Thursday Dec 22. I won't know the time until the day before but hopefully it will be in the morning.

Raw = RAWR!!!

I saw my oncologist today. It went pretty well. The other day my lung Dr said my chest CT was clear, when my oncologist pulled it up they gave me a few more details. It looked good, but they saw a thickening in my lung wall and there was some fluid around my right lung. I have been getting low fevers and night sweats a few days at a time since I had my lungs drained. I went to my general family doctor for the fevers, they have never broken 101 and there was no sign of infection in my urine or blood. I brought it up today with my oncologist since all the other doctors say it is not related to their area. They decided to put my on a strong antibiotic for a week and re-evaluate the fevers and symptoms then. If my fevers persist, it is the cancer. If my fever goes away, they are thinking it is a lung infection that is contained inside my lung therefor not producing any other signs of infection. Either way, it is good that my body is fighting, either the infection or the cancer. My own natural immune system is trying to fight this and I love that. My dad was with me at the appointment and immediately grounded me from all junk food! He actually said those words, "That's it, you're grounded!" He wants to nearly raw food this cancer out of me (thank God even he thinks its a little extreme). I love my dad, he is so good to me! So now we have a 5lb bag of carrots and a juicer ready for tomorrow! I juiced a few carrots the other day, and I LOVED it! I was surprised at how good it was, and my stomach felt so calm and settled after. I don't think I my stomach has been that settled in a long time. I have been eating a lot better since living with my dad, but I have a love for cheeseburgers that has been difficult to deny. I guess the party is over for me and my cheeseburgers! Wow! I am sure going to miss them! I do love garden burgers though :) That might be the only way for me to handle this sanely. So, this New Year's Eve, please do not ask me what my resolution will be, I have done enough! Really it is for your own safety, if you in any way resemble a cheeseburger I just might try to take a bite out of you!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tentative Surgery Date...

Finally! I have been working towards this surgery since we got back from Stanford a few months ago. It took a little bit of time, we had to drain the fluid surrounding my lungs, then I had a fever forever ok two weeks- but I was down, I had to meet with my Oncologist again after the fluid drain and my lung doctor again for the fluid drain follow up. The holidays don't make it easier to schedule appointments with doctors, and unfortunately, my lung doctor's daughter was diagnosed with lymphoma. She is young and its a terrible thing for their family. He has been taking time off to taker her back and forth to Stanford. So much time went by I had to go back and get the approval from my lung doctor verifying that I had enough lung capacity to handle surgery. During all of that, we were also looking at a site to biopsy. I had a chest CT nearly two weeks ago and that was our final attempt to search for a site that would be good to biopsy.  There was nothing there good enough to snip at so onward we go. Removing my ovaries will slow down the cancer, since it is hormone based we are essentially cutting off it's food supply. The longer we can keep it out of my major organs, the longer life I have! And that's a wonderful thing! We have a tentative date of Thursday December 22nd for the surgery. I will be sore for a few days but should be good to go for Christmas.

Cancer doesn't make you bald!

I'm not promising anything, but I have been on the phone with a few doctor's assistants today and I might even have a third blog for today! *gasp* I know!

So this one is a vent..... I have waited a few days for my emotions to calm down and for my cognitive reasoning to catch up....  My mom got married over the weekend and Tony and I went to the wedding (that was the easy part). When we got there we went to the front and sat in our reserved seats. Some lady, Pam*, came over ans asked who we were since the seats were saved for Sandy's daughter. I said that's me. She said oh ok, she knew one daughter lived in New York, I said yes, that's my sister. She said well, if your here and the other sister is in New York, where is the sick daughter? I didn't know she there were three of you. I said that was me. She said oh well you don't look sick. I told her it's the chemo that makes you loose your hair cancer doesn't make you go bald by itself. She insisted that I could not be sick. Thankfully I got called away but Tony stayed and Pam continued to say how she just didn't believe that I was sick. She kept insisting that there was no way I was sick. I went up to her after the ceremony and told her to stop, I was sick and that she was being rude. I didn't have to prove to her and frankly I didn't care if she believed me or not, but it was very inappropriate to tell someone they aren't sick. I was so frustrated with her. Everyone else kept saying wow you look so good, it's so good to see you.....  It felt good to be out and to see friends and family that I hadn't seen in a long time. I think that Pam was just trying to say that I looked  healthy and  no one would have guessed I was ill, but her actual words were hurtful and inappropriate. *Pam may or may not be her real name.

Some days I don't have the energy for hair and makeup, but when I have an event or a day where I am going to see friends I really try hard to do my hair and my makeup. When I look good, people treat me well. I'm not sure I feel about this) When I look good, I feel better, that is the important part. My bones still hurt and I still get out of breath, but I smile easier and feel better. No one can tell I'm sick and that's what I want. But I don't want another Pam following me around and questioning me all day and basically calling me and my family liars, who lies about having cancer? I am bracing myself for the day someone questions my handicap parking privilege.  I only use it when I know that it is too far of a walk for me, but still sometimes I get out of the car and I'm sure people question it. I know I'm not the only one that has experienced this, most diseases don't have a clear physical signs, you don't turn green to show you have heart disease, or purple to show diabetes. This is why we should be nice to everyone, and treat everyone with care and respect.

My experience at my moms wedding reminds me of a Real Houswives of Atlanta Reunion when Andy Cohen asked Kim if she had cancer, she said she started loosing her hair and the doctors thought she might have cancer.....  She didn't, but she took forever to answer the questions and it felt like she wanted some kind of cancer sympathy for loosing her hair. UGH!!! Cancer doesn't make you loose your hair! Chemo does! And, get this.... Not all chemotherapy will make you loose your hair. That's right, a lot of chemos don't cause hair loss. My first chemo, in 2008 caused 100% hair loss, my second caused 94% or 96% and that's about what I lost. When I was first diagnosed I read about a study where men were given a pill and were told that the pill would cause hair loss. 30% of them lost their hair, turns out the pill was a placebo! The mind is powerful! So are our words.

Learned a new trick, means you get to see pics!

So I have been wanting to post pics of the fluid that was drained my chest, but I didn't want to force people to look at them. I ran across a solution the other day and thought I would try it out. So, if you click to read more, you will see the pictures of all of the fluid rained my lungs. Ready? Here we go! (Click the green read more to, uh read more)