Thursday, August 28, 2014

Staying on this Chemo

I just got back from my doctor and he would like me to stay on this chemo. He gave me one more week off to recover and then I will start back up on the lower dose. I'm happy with that decision. New chemos stress me out a little. Managing all new side effects can be difficult and the only bad side effect from this one is the hand and foot syndrome and it's not fun, but with a lower dose it can be completely avoided. Right now the skin is coming off of my hands and feet, and some other places but I'll keep those private, where they belong. The blisters on my feet started popping this week but it seems the skin under the blisters is just tender and not open so most of my sores are not open wounds. I will spend another week off of my feet and feeling like the laziest person ever. I haven't "cooked" a real dinner in a while and I've also stopped picking up, so my house is worse than ever but it's just not worth ripping more skin off. So pray for healing skin and a good week of rest. I will post if anything new happens.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Stupid Side Effects

My feet have blistered up so I had to stop the chemo I was on. I get a full week break and will go back in next week to talk with my Dr and probably start a new chemo. I know it's vain, and a minor detail, but I hope I get to keep my hair. The week off will heal my feet and my radiation burns that are still giving me discomfort. I will keep you updated!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tumor Markers, Chemo and Radiation

I've completed a few rounds of chemo and all of my radiation. My tumor markers went up at first but have since slightly dipped. They are still too high, but we hope they continue to go down. The dr thinks we might have tested too soon after starting chemo to see any positive results. So, I will continue this chemo for a while, until my markers indicate a need for a change. That would be them go back down to an inactive level or they increase and we change chemos. He assured me he has lots of different kinds to give me. The side effects suck and as a result we are lowering my dose. I was taking 4 pills twice a day for 14 days followed by a 7 day break. Starting tomorrow I will take 3 pills twice a day with the same 7 day break. I hope my markers will continue to go down even with the decrease of dose. The worst side effect is hand and foot syndrome. It's when all the tiny blood vessels in your palms and bottoms of your feet break and can cause the skin to come off. It starts with a warm feeling that turns to an odd tingly feeling and then pain. Pain to walk, touch or even sit with my feet up. Heat and friction make it worse, so I take cold showers and wear the softest slippers I own. I try to stay off of my feet and not touch too much, but it's not really realistic. Opening jars is the worst. Ok I'm done complaining but I'm really over this hand and foot thing.
Oh maybe a little more complaining, but it's my blog and I'll whine it I want to.
Radiation is over and I can't wait to heal. I only had 14 sessions to my hips and 12 to my rib, compaired to 33 to my chest and neck in 2009. My rib had no bad side effects and is nearly pain free! Very very happy and grateful for that. My rib was so painful before and I was amazed at how much of a difference radiation made so quickly! My hips are a little different. When I started, my right hip was worse than my left, during and now after, my left hip hurts worse but not in the same way. Now the muscle hurst when I move wrong, and it's not always the same movement to be able to avoid it. And sometimes just sitting makes it hurt. Before radiation it was a deep stabbing bone pain. Odd. But still radiation made a big difference on my pain and I hardly limp at all. The worst side effect and my last complaint is the burn that now covers all of the soft tissue that covers my hips. Front and back. It's like the worst sunburn I've ever had on all of my softest and most tender areas. Radiation continues to radiate for 7-10 days after you stop and chemo kills cells making the healing process very slow. Spray aloe and aquaphor are my new besties, sorry people friends, you've been squeezed over, but just until the burning goes away :)
After all that complaining I guess I should list things I'm greatfull for!
Tony!!! Both, big Tony for everything! Encouraging me to still go get my hair cut and colored even though I might have lost it within 2 weeks. (I found out after my haircut that the chemo I'm on now won't cause hair loss. However, radiation does, and it could be forever. No waxing for me, radiation bonus!!!) Doing all the housework, all the shopping, making me laugh, and knowing his way around a spray can of aloe!! I'm not sure how I landed the worlds best husband, but the man deserves some serious awards!
Little Tony for understanding when I can't crawl around on the floor when we play and happily moves all his toys where I can sit on the couch and still play! He also has increased his household chores. He evens replaces toilet paper roles and makes sure the paper is over not under :) what a guy!!! And he says he wants more chores! I love 6 year olds! So happy to please!! He got to see the radiation room and thinks I get to hang out the Death Star with Darth Vadar every day.
Sarah! Again!! For the meals and the laughs!!
Heidi and Olga! Megan! Mary! My sister! My nieces! I know I'm going to miss someone so maybe I shouldn't try to list everyone but there are so many people that have helped, offered help, and just made me smile by showing they care.
My dad!!! It's so unfair that he has to take care of me so much and he does it so well. He is so strong and caring. I love him even more for being so great during these hard times.
Thank you for reading, and ignoring all the typing errors. I hate rereading and proofing. So I don't do that. Feel free to post comments, ask questions, share......
Oh and happy 200th post.