Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 5 came and went, so did one month!

I really wanted to go to work today, but I never made it. I slept in this morning and took my time getting ready. I had good energy and then I couldn't tell if I was hungry or sick so I ate a little. Well after eating, I must nap. I thought I would wake up 30 min later and go in. Well, 3 hours later, I woke up, all dressed for work and everything. Only now it was 3:30. So, I just stooped by work and dropped off a key and OK my dog to the park. We walked around for a min and I got too tired to do anything else. Thank God for Heidi, she drives everywhere! I'm not sure how much strength I will have once I get where I am going. The good news is I didn't need any pain meds for the bones anymore. Looks like 2-3 days and then back to normal.

Another thought, yesterday was my one month anniversary of being diagnosed. Wow, only 1 month. I took a second to look at how much my life has changed. One month ago, I had so many projects going on! Steering committee for SRL, Youth Committee for the gang task force, rape crisis counselor, full time college student, full time employee, ans really so much more, but I can't even remember. Now, my life is not about the things I am doing for other people, but focusing on the care I am providing myself. I am no longer text flirting, ok well as much, and my hair doesn't get stuck when I roll up my window. My dog is on my lap more, my family calls me every day. I have had more I love yous than I ever remember, I can wear sweats all day and still feel productive, my road rage is better, my conversations are slower and more meaningful, my anxiety is lower, my house is cleaner, all the little projects I had lined up around the house are done- thanks dad, jacob, sister, and heidi!- I wake up when I want and don't run to get the phone, I have voicemail :) Anyway, what a difference a month can make. I miss my old life, my projects, clothes, makeup, boys, hair choices, etc.... But I'm not sad about where I am now, not at all! I could have never asked or even dreamt of all of the positives that would have been pushed forward into my life.
Have a great day! I did!
And Yoli, who is at the end of what I am starting- Good luck! I hope you are recovering well!!!
Love Janice


  1. Hi Janice -

    SOrry I have written sooner. I have been checking in on you, but have been too crazy to write - I have been working two jobs the past two weeks.

    Today was my first official day at my new job - it took 15 minutes to get there instead of 45 and no driving in the fog today.

    You sound so good - I am so PROUD of you. You are amazingly strong and positive through all of this.

    What did you do with all your time this last Thursday night? (ha ha - rotten timing) - Five extra hours with my family was so great!

    Talk to you soon - love leeann

  2. HI Janice and i just updated on you. How are you feeling today- that Chemo knocks you for a loop. I told folks at SRL steering on Tues about your situation and they all were stunned. You are incredibly courageous and your blog is uplifting to read. We still need to get together. Please let me know when you feel better and we can have tea/coffee or cranberry juice or I will take you to lunch ( nachos or pancakes??) I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving and keep up the great spirit.

    Your Friend, Vicki Stasch
