Monday, November 17, 2008

I love working

I had a full day, working, dinner, blackberry lessons, etc etc..... I am so tired but I love it! I am tired and not from too much vicodin or from dizzy spells. I got a pile of books to read, a belly full of my last heavy meal, a pair of clippers, a cozy place to curl up when I don't feel good, a schedule that is color coded and organized, a wig, comfy clothes that are washed and ready to wear, a pair of shoes just for hospital visits, good moveis to watch, and nice chair in my room for people to sit in while they visit me. I think I am about as ready as possible for chemo! Hey Cancer~ Say hello to my little friend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey There - If only you were a little more organized!!! YOU GO GIRL....
