Monday, December 1, 2008

really I feel good

Ok, so some people are really shocked I feel so good. I am kind of pleasantly surprised myself. I was prepared to feel much worse, and of course hoping to feel great. A few friends have asked if I really feel good or if I am only saying I feel good to stay positive or to not let them know I really feel bad, to keep others thinking positive. Wow, I never even had those thoughts. I really do feel good. I am starting to not look so great. My skin is pale, I have dark circles under my eyes and my skin is breaking out like crazy. Somehow I still lost 2 lbs this week eating like a kid who broke out of fat camp. It's a strange mix of puberty and pregnancy all at once. I do think the lump is shrinking. I'm not sure if it is finally not traumatized anymore from daily pokes, prods and the ever terrible biopsy. Either way, it is smaller and I am thinking positively. I've also heard that visualization works well. So, I think of all kinds of attacks. One of my favorites is cowboys circling some kind of beastly animal shooting their guns in the air while the beastly cancer shrinks and cries, melting almost like the wicked witch. I finish my visualizations with 'and Janice lived happily ever after'. It's like a fairy tale, cancer is!
Kisses and wishes! Love Jan

1 comment:

  1. I am Janice's mom. I am so proud of her! I just want to thank all of you who have posted to her blog for your good thoughts and prayers. We are all trying to stay out of her way and let her go with the flow. In case you are wondering, she has always been the "I'll do it my self" kind of girl. I can say with all honesty that she was that way in the womb. It has been very hard for her dad and me to let her be her own boss even when she was only 3 years old, but now it appears to serve her well. God knew what he was doing when he created her. Again, thanks for all the messages for her. I read them every day, and even though I don't know you all, I know how much Janice appreciates them and cannnot tell you all how much better they make me feel.
