Friday, October 28, 2011

2 in a Row!

A few days ago I felt so terrible, I prayed for just one day of feeling well. And, I got two! I'm trying to not do too much to send me right back to not feeling well but it's hard since I haven't been able to get anything done lately. My thank you notes are starting to really back up and I don't like that at all. I also need to do the final cleaning of my apartment, I don't like that either! :) But I'm glad I feel well enough to do it!


  1. So glad you feel better. All my friends are watching your blogg so I won't have to tell them any thing. Virgil wants to learn how to draw like you can. Any ideas?

  2. When do you need to be out of your apartment? I can recruit some young college boys (not what you are thinking.... my nephews) to help and we can get it done.

  3. Thanks Rosemary! I should have called you earlier! I turned in the keys on Monday. They switched owners during my lease and they didn't keep the notes of where the carpet stains and other random damages were so I won't get anything back. Bunch of meanies! But it was only $150 possible refund after carpet cleaning and paint that are charged automatically, so it's not the biggest deal a

  4. Thanks Mom. I guess he could look for some art classes.
    I'm glad to hear your friends are reading. Updating people can be very difficult sometimes. As much as you want to talk to each person individually, it is draining emotionally. Sometimes it takes me a few days to be able to say things out loud, it so much more real. That is why I blog, it really is much easier and time efficient.
