Monday, January 5, 2009

Round 4 is in, can we all say chemo brain?

I had heard of chemo brain before, but I am really feeling it today. I have forgotten lots of things, like why I am in a certain room, how to spell everything and then of course I forget to spell check before I send, I forgot something else too, but now I forgot what it was, funny huh? Well I guess I am ok with it, but would prefer to have my normal brain power back.

Ok, so update from the doctor! I always see him before I get my treatment and when he checked the tumor he could barley find it!!!! I love it!!! So today in the shower I did a quick check, and I would have never gone to the doctor for what I felt, it was like a little bump, but nothing like it was when I even first found it. I am sooooo happy! My treatment is not the traditional routine, most treatments start with surgery. My doctor suggested this treatment schedule and shared the pros and cons. I decided I liked it, and we are doing it. One of the pros for it is seeing the cancer shrink and the faith it gives me in what chemo can do. I shared this with my dad and he asked what would happen if we just did more chemo. I told him he would have one pissed of daughter. Yeah, I've been taking it and running with what I have been dealt, but lets not add more grossness right now. I am so full of chemicals! So next is surgery then some more chemo, and then radiation. My risk management nurse said I'll be in a bikini by the summer. Wow what a thought! I doubt I will be wearing a bikini that soon, no more tanning and lots of steroids that make me eat like Michael Phelps so there is a little extra weight to lose, but I'm sure it won't stick around for long. Maybe there will be a fall bikini event I can get into! :)

Another thing on my mind is the results. I go for my surgery consultation on Jan 20th and am trying to prepare myself for whatever news he dishes out. I am sure it is smaller, but I do not want to get my hopes up about anything. So, trying to be a little realistic. He he he funny coming from me? yeah I'm not sure how realistic I have potential to be about anything. :)

I love my roommate! She just cut out some hair dye coupons for me! She thinks of me! Another friend called the other day before she came over and asked if I needed anything and then added, hair products, anything at all? Of course I thought she was joking so I laughed and said hair spray, and she was sooooo funny and caught what she had said and about died. She felt bad, but it really made me laugh, maybe the only contagious part of cancer is the chemo brain. I love the people in my life soooo much. They make this all so easy for me that I can not imagine going through though this without them.

Ok, goodnight! Lots of love! Janice

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