Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last days of chemo

I did it! I made it through chemo with my spirit and health in tact! I had read of people's hair growing back right after, but I didn't think it would happen to me, but guess what?!! I see hair! On me! Yeah!!! I even had to shave my legs today, yes you lose ALL of your hair. Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed not having to shave or hair dry during treatment, but it is really nice to see it coming back to soon. The eyebrows look a little choppy but not bad and eyelashes are better than when I cut them off with a defective eyelash curler. The next chemo treatment will knock it all out again, but I am so happy that it won't take forever for it to start to come in again. I want to scream and dance and shout with excitement! Not sure what I am going to shout really, but sounds like fun! Can you picture me yelling how happy I am to have a few hairs on my head. Ha! I'd look completely nuts. :) I am going to have a great weekend and enjoy myself to the fullest. Next week will be getting ready for surgery, mentally and physically.
Till next time! Love Janice

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