Tuesday, January 20, 2009

partial or full mastectomy

I saw my doctor today and it looks good for a partial mastectomy. I am happy to hear that I now qualify for one, but wish my numbers were better. there is only a 60%-70% chance that a partial will remove all of the cancer. So I really should still consider a full. There are pros and cons with this decision and its not one to take lightly. There are many things that are the same regardless of which surgery (the partial or full mastectomy). Either way, I will have another round of chemo and radiation. There is no reconstruction for a partial and the scaring will be considerable as will the size, about 25% of my breast tissue will be removed. The full offers complete reconstruction but a longer healing time and reconstruction is additional surgeries. Some deciding factors were that with the partial, he does not have to remove the nipple and sew it back on (pretty painful stuff), I was blessed with a fair amount of breast tissue so I will still have enough left, and the place of the tumor will allow me to keep my cleavage (the part most people see anyway). I think the only time anyone would ever really know is when I am topless or in a bathing suite and at that point the symmetry of my chest is one of the last things on my mind. The cons are that one breast will always be smaller, unless I shrink the other one (an option I am not in love with) and there is a chance not all of the cancer will be removed meaning more surgeries. I can always go back and get the full if it is not all removed and ultimately I feel that I would regret not trying to save it with chances that are better than a coin toss of removing it all with a partial. So as of this minute I am going partial- I might change my mind and I might not. I really need to sleep on it and I am trying to think of everything that should go into this decision. Recurrence rates are about the same and I think that it would be easier to feel if there is breast to feel it in. Either way- surgery is Feb 4th.

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