Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cheeky Monkey

My cheeks are soooooooo swollen. I am guessing from the steroids, but they are super sized! Like super super large! They are so big that my teeth are leaving impressions inside my mouth. I have bitten a huge hole on one side so now that side is more swollen than the other. So, my face is not only freakishly childlike but lopsided too. Chemo = good times. Really it's getting better, but for a couple days it was rough chewing, sleeping, talking etc etc. I am glad the swelling is going down and the large hole is shrinking.
In other news.... I am officially off of work for a while. I ended up taking last week off from the fourth chemo treatment. When you go on disability you have to take one week off of work and instead of going to work for a week or so and then taking another week off I just went out a little earlier. Confused, sorry, I blame my chemo brain for my inability to explain things or even speak clearly lately.
Also, I am an ordained minister. ah haa haa. Really! Revered Janice is what is says on my certificate. So, I can marry people and everything. I can even start a church. SO I started the church of the beanie. :) Really I did it so I can officiate my sisters wedding. Much better option than wearing a brides maid's dress just after surgery and bald.
And almost finally, a lot of people are asking how I am feeling. I am feeling pretty good. Last week was rough. I was very tired and sleeping most of the time. This week is better but my energy is still low. I am feeling better every day, getting more and more energy. Now that I am off of work I am bored silly, I told Heidi the other day that I was already bored for the next day. She laughed at me. The nausea is mostly gone and my hair is even growing in. I will lose it again, but it is nice to see that it will come back quick.
Ok, and finally finally, a lot of people are asking what is next. I go to my surgeon on Jan. 20th. He will measure it and decide what type of surgery to do. Lumpectomy, partial mastectomy, or full mastectomy. It is much smaller so I think that it will be a lumpectomy or partial mastectomy. He does surgery on Wednesdays and Fridays so it could be that week on the 23rd or the next week on either day. It is all up in the air and anything can happen. As soon as I know I will post to share the news. After surgery they give a few weeks off to recover and then it is back for more chemo then radiation. Radiation is six weeks putting me at the end of May all fixed up and ready to go.
Good night I am off to bed!
Much love! Janice

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