Friday, January 20, 2012

What's Happenin' Hot Stuff?

:) I love that Movie!
Well, not much. I feel like I always say that and yet, I am always so busy and my days go by so fast! Wedding stuff is going really well. I get something done everyday and am still having a really good time! I have two doctor appointments next week. One with my lung doctor, it is getting harder to breathe again and I hope they can drain some fluid soon. I get out of breath so easily, just drinking water or walking up and down the hall a few times can leave me gasping for air. The other appointment is my regular 6 week check up with my oncologist. They will take some blood to run my tumor markers and flush out my port. I don't expect anything new from that one. I might need to adjust my pain meds, the does doesn't seem to do as much as it used to but I'm not sure if I am willing to go up or switch to anything stronger right now. I might wait until after my fluid drain to decide that too, I remember last time that the pain decreased once I had recovered anyway- the first three days were more painful! Ugh I am not looking forward to that but hopefully I will be more relaxed this time. That's all for now, I will write next week to update everyone on my doctor appointments.

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