Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bonus Days!

The week of waiting for my PET scan results was a long one, but I will write about that later. I really want to share some of the tricks and tips I have learned to help keep the pain of waiting to a minimum. And based on some of my posts that week, I have a long way to go before I perfect the wait, but I have gotten much better! Anyway, about a week after the results came in, btw they were amazing!, I celebrated my 10th year of being 29!! I spent the day getting my hair done, running errands, and had a large family dinner. I enjoyed every minute of the day! I know I mention it all the time, but I just can't get over what Stanford said and how I only had a 1% chance of making it this long. I officially reached my bonus days and they are so wonderful and I've been walking on the clouds ever since.  I'm so thankful for all of my family and friends that helped me through the PET scan week and made my 39th birthday the best I've ever had! The 29 the thing was just being silly, I couldn't be more proud of my age and everything that comes with it, except the metabolism, what the hell is that about?!?!

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