Thursday, August 30, 2012

Readings and learning to deal while staying positive

I've been looking up stuff on dying. Things to help me express myself better. Today for the first time I was able to say out loud some of my most personal thoughts on passing away. It was hard and I cried a little, but it felt so good to say. My mom has such a hard time with all of this, understandable. However, her reaction has been so hurtful, that I decided not to continue our relationship without some kind of professional help. I just came across the paragraphs below and it was so clear to me as to why I felt it is necessary to make such a difficult decision. It's not easy to not have positive support from my mom right now, but she is going through something just as difficult as I am, maybe more difficult. I love her dearly, but I can't be around such negativity and hurtful behavior. ........................................ Accept Your Response to the Illness Each person responds to news of terminal illness in his or her unique way. You, too, will have your own response, be it fear, excitement, anger, loss, grief, denial, hope or any combination of emotions. Becoming aware of how you respond right now is to discover how you will live with your terminal illness. Don’t let others prescribe how you feel; find people who encourage you to teach them how you feel. After all, there is no right or wrong way for you to think and feel.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I appriciate you reading and commenting.

  2. Hi sweets! Let me just say how very proud I am of you!!

    Growing up, my mom was a hospice caregiver for 15+ years, and used to help people die...she devoted her life to sharing how important the death process is for everyone.

    I wish I could ask her some pointers for you, but I do remember a book she referred to alot, and it was called "On Death and Dying" -- I'm glad you have found books that help.

    I send you strength, and hugs, and positive thoughts!!

    1. Thanks Keri! I'll look for that book! Hope you are doing well!!!
