Today was a very productive day! I have been feeling too dizzy to do much so today when I woke up feeling decently stable I started tackling some of my "to do" items. I called my cobra administration and got some wonderful news! The news was so good that I started crying on the phone. The lady had been short with me the entire phone call so I really didn't want her to hear me cry but when she told me how I could work out all of these details and it was much easier than I ever imagined the relief overwhelmed me. I have been so worried about my insurance I have been dragging myself to work as much as possible. It made me think of the sick day rule of thumb.... If you are too sick to call in to work, then you can't go to the mall. Well, I definitely can't go to the mall without a lot of help and a lot of rest breaks, so why am I trying so hard to go to work. That's all I am going to say about that right now, nothing has officially happened with work, other than I have accepted it is time for me embrace my limitations.
Next stop..... Social Security Office, this was a great time to realize that I can't find my card! So I ordered a new one and confirmed that I had enough working credits for benefits, of course that will take a very very long time to kick in, but they are there when I need them and the line up nicely with the cobra info I got earlier. My fear of ending up seriously ill and without insurance has significantly decreased!
Then of course I stopped by the Y and got to see everyone. I love my coworkers so much! I even made that trip all on my own! Drove there, walked around a little and drove home! I was very proud of myself!
Lastly and certainly not least, I introduced Goodies Cookies to my dad! I think I am a cookie snob and I think I got that from my dad! I treated him to a cookie and bought about 5 for my house! Tony loves them too and he loves the flavors I don't make so it works out really well to have a few on hand.
There was more to my day and I am so excited to share, but you will all have to wait a little while longer, next Friday to be exact! But I feel like the kid on the Disneyland commercial that yells out that he is too excited to sleep!!!!