Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tentative Surgery Date...

Finally! I have been working towards this surgery since we got back from Stanford a few months ago. It took a little bit of time, we had to drain the fluid surrounding my lungs, then I had a fever forever ok two weeks- but I was down, I had to meet with my Oncologist again after the fluid drain and my lung doctor again for the fluid drain follow up. The holidays don't make it easier to schedule appointments with doctors, and unfortunately, my lung doctor's daughter was diagnosed with lymphoma. She is young and its a terrible thing for their family. He has been taking time off to taker her back and forth to Stanford. So much time went by I had to go back and get the approval from my lung doctor verifying that I had enough lung capacity to handle surgery. During all of that, we were also looking at a site to biopsy. I had a chest CT nearly two weeks ago and that was our final attempt to search for a site that would be good to biopsy.  There was nothing there good enough to snip at so onward we go. Removing my ovaries will slow down the cancer, since it is hormone based we are essentially cutting off it's food supply. The longer we can keep it out of my major organs, the longer life I have! And that's a wonderful thing! We have a tentative date of Thursday December 22nd for the surgery. I will be sore for a few days but should be good to go for Christmas.

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