Friday, September 16, 2011

i guess it's time to share....

I got a call a few weeks ago that my routine check up revealed high tumor markers. I prayed for the best and tried to go on living a regular life. I would venture to say that I fooled no one! So now I have learned most of the news. I have stage 4 inoperable and incurable breast cancer in my lungs, chest wall, and lymph nodes. The doctor has some treatments that will prolong my life and I am going to Stanford to get more opinions. I will start posting updates to keep people up to date. Thank you to everyone who supported my Avon walk for breast cancer, but I decided it would be best to spend the weekend with my family. (They still got all the $$$ :) and hopefully will prevent this from happening to more people)
A SUPER big THANK YOU to Codie and her family! She was going to walk with me and her family has handled this sudden change of plans with grace and admiration!!! I love you guys!
So, there it is.... that's everything I know right now. I didn't ask for a timeline since Stanford will probably play a big role in that... If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!


  1. I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and pryers

  2. Janice I am praying for you and in awe of your willingness to be transparent and help others. You are in inspiration :)
